Paula Stanbridge-Faircloth

Paula Stanbridge-Faircloth

Paula is an experienced marketing professional with over a decade of experience in comms and PR roles. She joined Rogan Productions in 2020 as their Marketing and Social Media Manager and has worked to promote 20+ titles to date, with many of the documentaries picking up awards along the way.  Her specialism in digital content creation and background in journalism and publishing are a good fit in for social media campaigns and have given rise to successes such as viral videos on YouTube and TikTok and Top 3 trending hashtags on Twitter.

An accomplished designer, she has also amassed a portfolio of well-designed and on brand materials for screening events, development pitches and key artwork for programmes. She’s also adept at pitching articles to journalists and influencers in grassroots and niche publications and platforms for minority groups to ensure that titles reach audiences outside of the mainstream.


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June 5, 2023